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A House built upon lies: Setting the record straight

This Article shouldn't need to be written but sadly I felt the need to write it.

Because I'm really growing tired of hearing the defamatory claims I have decided to without a doubt disprove, mock and present counter claims to those who insists they are truthful when they are not. Now, If I actually wrote Travis' entry into the lore of the idiots this would make sense however since It's so backstabbers and some trolls who have this data and are refusing to accept reality and again I know who they are and I am unfortunately at this moment unable to act but soon I can and I'll be providing financial aide to the person these people accuse of being me to discredit our efforts in combatting pedophila and homicides involving children.

The Allegations

Tracy Glass, Michael Oscar Slowik, Holly C. Howell, Jaquliene Guzman amongst others have all made similar clains that Mr. Egert who they believe is me has groomed, sexted and or solicited a 12 year old from Romania named "val" for sex. Unfortunately all of them have seen the counter evidence and are now willingly participating in defamation knowingly. Micheal has the entire chat exports and this is verified from his now suspended twitter account that he indeed is in possession of said chat exports, whereas Ms. Guzman has seen counter evidence and at one point has decided to be dishonest and failed to prove her story was accurate, However if her story was "accurate" Ms. Guzman would have knowingly and willfully possed what she herself claimed was Child Pornography. However this backfired due to some poor editing in which the screenshot she edited (by blurring a gif) was unfortunately left inside of another screenshot revealing the gif wasn't anything but a man slinging his arm over a women who had her head on his shoulder whist driving. The dishonesty, Falsification, Editing and defamation goes deep here.

Tracy Claims Skyler is a pedophile without evidence.

First we shall discuss the fact that Tracy Anne Glass Miller refuses to accept her identity and is a pathological liar and manipulator, Now here we can see tracy claims Mr. Egert (Skyler) is larping as an OSINT Guru Which given this blog, Skyler has limited interaction outside of running press and managing finances, so skyler isn't an "OSINT Guru" However is he a pedo hunter? Yes, He indeed does participate behind the scenes and offers some assistance with some skills I and other members of the team do not possess or aren't as strong. However Tracy goes on to claim that "he steals others work" now since I know she's mentally confused and I will take over as I know she's referring to me and not Mr. Egert. Anyways. Our blog is proof that we do not steal work & all credit is given to those who have specifically have found the information, gave us the information or whatever. That's hardly stealing but rather asking to use it in our own reporting. However people like Arthur, Travis, Chaewin, Alameen and etc all boils down to me and a few others as collaborations and most often: Me & my team with exceptions being Travis and Alameen as not everything is mine or my team's discoveries. However Chaewin, Arthur and etc do belong solely to me & my team. However there's a few people I cannot write about publicly due to ongoing investigations by international law enforcement such as those in Spain, Brazil, Romania, Ukraine, The US and Australlia not everything is published as a "Full Disclosure" Simply because I am not authorized at this point in time.

The 12 Year old victim from Romania: "Val"

Who is val? That I cannot say, as I do not know. However was she "sexualized" or "Solicited for sex" Yes, But not by me, Mr. Egert or the rest of my team. If not by us then who? The simple answer isn't hard to find but Sucidal Breach Forums Moderator's have a tendency to lie. In other words, These morons believe legitiment criminals who are mentally unstable and shouldn't be trusted to be honest in any way shape or form. You'd expect this to be common sense but common sense isn't so common anymore. However as I meantioned Travis earlier you may know this story from the several hundred times I have had to tell it. So here's the evidence and you can make your decision of mine and my team's innocence, However without evidence to back these hater's claims I ask that you do not defame me or my team, If you have evidence I ask that you present it.

Travis "DrDeplorable" Patterson

Warning: Discussions below contain discussions of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) & Child Pornography (CSAM)

I wanna make clear that the evidence below is fully unredacted except for what I am legally required to redact for public viewing. Please Understand minimal editing was done to point to issues with a lie or to censor what isn't legally allowed to be presented. We will hold those accountable for these defamatory statements in the near future. We cannot discuss this further due to ongoing investigations


Travis Admits to the crime to Alameen (Another Pedophile) that he's a pedo and solicted val for sex

"Doctor Deplorable" Admits to being Travis Scott Patterson

Travis makes a few too many OPSEC Mistakes

Travis Sold Child Porn to telegram users

Who's the Heinrich?

Of course I wouldn't wanna waste the question on everyone's mind since we know exactly who Travis S. Patterson is, However who's Heinrich and why was he asking Travis For CSAM? Well that's a great question. I Just so happen to know exactly who this dude is and he's a former good friend of Micheal Slowik which is not looking so good given his history with other deplorable asshats.


Now for those who know alameen and what he's done he will have his own dedicated entry but for now the best thing you need to know is Alameen is also a pedophile and lives in Tanzania (which will prove shocking due to the amount of data we have on him). So, I Have alameen admitting to both his name and the links Travis did send Alameen (Which I have not included due to legality)

But of course, Alameen also admitted to solicting and opening the mega links containing CSAM, Although Travis denies this there's some other things I have but probably won't add since this has become super repetative and my point's been proven but the screenshots of Travis hasn't been added yet

Travis solicits a 12 year old for sex

Since I have about had it with these mother fucking lies here's the orginal screenshots of Travis I obtained from "lulzandfeelz" (Chaewin) and they are disgusting but are crucial to proving these fucking losers in fact engaged in defamation knowingly. Without further ado here ya go


With the following evidence (which Micheal has btw) I ask these haters to retract the false statements or be sued for defamation. I am not playing I spent 3 hours gathering all the evidence and creating this document even having to deal with a DDoS Attack on a webserver that's not known by many to belong to me which is used to manage logging specific items and data collection. Now I am not thrilled by the fact I had to manually write this nor am I Impressed with the weak DDoS Attack that lasted a miserable 30 seconds before I flipped a switch and forced it to stop. Thanks CloudFlare (Although I hate CF's Abuse issues as of late, but I digress) Now, You have no evidence to support your claims I have without a doubt provided evidence and sources where you can verify the validity of the documents and Mike? The password is: D4RKR4BB1T47 (This was openly stated btw) so don't lie because we know you had the chat export that contained the archived and password protected archive because that export was also archived meaning it did contain the second chat export between alameen and travis that was password protected with the password above. so I highly suggest you retract all current and former statements before you find a couple of cops serving summons to your fucking house on Smith School Road. Tracy? You fucking too. I know where tf you're at and if you think you're smart you're not because you will be summoned and someone gonna tell me who tf you are and where you fucking live and that's not up for fucking debate. Give me time and you will see I am not making empty threats. Before I also forget: Fancy, I suggest you retract shit and appologize too because I know damn well you were the worst offender here since you decided to doctor the screenshots I provided above in hopes to lie but made a critical mistake and got laughed at

And lastly before any of you say I'm threatening you with violence, I'm not. You will be in a court room one day and that's the non-empty threat of legal troubles I am making You will without a doubt be in court and I am personally starting with someone and there's around 7-9 of you so who that is isn't going to be stated. Don't Run either because I will find you. Trust me I make no false promises. I will find you, and you will be in court answering why you did what you did, It won't be soon because I prefer you to think you won and I won't pursue charges but that's just me living up to my name as "Evil Rabbit" I'm Quick, Elusive but I'm lucky.

Rumors belong in the grave. Another set of them buried after I murdered them without a second thought